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May, 2024

2024 Fall Season Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the cost of registration for the Fall 2024 season?
Registration fee is unchanged, at $85.00 per child  (plus a $3 service fee).

How do I register?

Register online at  When you complete registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you that has instructions on what documentation to gather and next steps.  If you do not get the email immediately, please check your junk/spam folder.

What is the deadline for registration?
Paperwork needs to be submitted on Saturday 7/27 (from 9a-Noon) or Monday 7/29 (from 530-730pm).   It is best to register BEFORE those dates to make your life easier.    We plan to start practicing on Saturday 8/3.  A $20 late fee goes into effect on 8/19. 

What division will my child be placed in?
The system will automatically register you as if it is 2025.  Registration is based on league age, which is a bit different than how we register in the Spring.   A parent meeting will be held prior to the season to provide more details.  However, with Fall Ball there is the option to stay in the same division you were in (or would be) in the Spring of 2024.  If you desire to have your child play in the same division as if it was Spring 2024, please let the division VP know when you bring your paperwork in or email the President at [email protected].

Please note that for the Fall, you must be league age 4 per the 2024 Little League Age Chart to play.   This means you must be born before August 31, 2020. 

Why are you asking me for my child's shirt and hat size during registration?  You have never done that before in Fall Ball.

Getting your child's shirt and hat size help us do upfront planning and ordering in an effort to avoid some of the delays we are seeing.  Please note:  we will make every effort to get the shirt size ordered, but it cannot be guaranteed.

When does the season start?  What does it end?
Teams will be formed in late July and practice can begin on 8/3.  Expect games to start late August or early Sept, after Labor Day.  The season will run through October to ensure a minimum of 12 games played.  Please note that due to the time change, weekday games in October may be played at Little Leagues that have lights (e.g. North Valley or Cibola) 

What kind of time commitment does it take to play Little League?
It can vary but prior to the season starting you can expect two practices a week, one on the weekday and one on the weekend.  During the season you can expect one game during the week, one game on Saturday and at least one practice during the week.  Fall ball is not quite as busy as Spring and provides an excellent opportunity for kids to get introduced to the game, introduced to a new division of play, or to just get extra practice.

Is there a late fee?
Yes - to avoid the late fee, register prior to 8/19/24.   Any registration on or after 8/19/24 will have a $20 late fee.

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